Drone Records
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KÜPPER, LEO - Ways of the Voice

Format: CD
Label & Cat.Number: Pogus Prod. P21018-2
Release Year: 1999
Note: four challenging compositions (created 1984-1998) by the Belgian componist, using the female voice (of Brazilian singer ANNA MARIA KIEFFER) as the only sound-source, along with 'tropical' field recordings... Beautiful, suspenseful, exhausting music.. very unique and stunning stuff !! Finally back in stock!! - comes with 28 page booklet
Price (incl. 19% VAT): €14.00

More Info

Extreme Neue Musik von diesem belgischen Komponisten, von dem hier 4 Stücke (1984 bis 1998) verewigt wurden – spannende & anstrengende Stimm- und Gesangsexperimente zwischen Elektro-Akustik und Sound-Poetry, zum Teil anmutig schön, zum Teil verstörend... überwältigende und einmalige Musik !! TIP !
Belgium componist with four challenging compositions using the female voice as only sound-source. Beautiful, suspenseful, exhausting music.. very unique and stunning stuff !!

“Rezas Populares do Brasil, Anamak, Amkéa and Annazone, are vocal works. All the sounds on this disc originate with the Brazilian singer Anna Maria Kieffer. Two works, Anamak and Amkéa, have an "orchestral accompaniment", composed of tropical bird songs. Making use of elements of electroacoustic music and sound poetry, the music expresses wonder at Brazil's tropical beauty and, ultimately, an intense love of the abstraction of words and musical forms. “ [label description]
