Drone Records
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EARTH - Pentastar: In the style of demons

Format: CD
Label & Cat.Number: Sub Pop Records SPCD 361
Release Year: 1996
Price (incl. 19% VAT): €15.00

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Die vierte EARTH CD von 1996, wo es neben „klassisch“ metal/rockig instrumentierten slow-drone Stücken auch sehr feine ambience-tracks gibt (wie das wunderbare „Crooked Axis for String Quartet“), die ihre sensibel-harmonische Seite zeigen.... eine ungewöhnliche Mischung to say the least.

“Dylan Carlson and Dave Harwell use drums and Vocals on the fourth release. Some people think this is ambient metal, grindcore refusniks, classic minimalists, or industrialists making soundscapes. A little bit of all of that is true. Dylan says the music is built around the riffs, and claims 70s riff rock as an influence, but it is run through the Earth machine, and the riffs are slowed down to a molasses in winter pace, but not down to a hibernation Grief pace. "High Command" "Peace In Mississippi" and "Coda Maestoso In F(flat) Minor" are my faves here but they are all good. Great, stretched out guitar, motionless in space, contemplating the nature of emotional disorders, rock music.” [Hairy Kari, KFJC]