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AGLAIA - Sacred Waters

Format: CD
Label & Cat.Number: Hic Sunt Leones HSL 028
Release Year: 2005
Note: second album for this Italian duo -> music that functions like elusive visual engrams that fade away slowly and re-appear again, merging everything together softly... a day-dream of sound
Price (incl. 19% VAT): €14.00

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Neben Solo- und Kollaborationen seines eigenen Projekts ALIO DIE erscheinen auf Stefano Mussos Label auch weitere italienische Musiken aus dem „natural dream ambience“-Feld. Das Duo AGLAIA ist auch so ein Fall, SACRED WATERS ist ihr zweites Album .... Musik die wie flüchtige visuelle Eindrücke funktioniert, die langsam verblassen & neu aufscheinen, in der alles auf sehr sanfte Art und Weise verschmilzt..... down-oktavierte Flöten, Guitars, Synth-Drops & drones, vorbei-huschende field recordings, Wassersounds, lange Echos ....
die Musik ist „nach aussen“ bewegungslos, „nach innen“ jedoch erscheint sie in ständiger Schwingung & Zeitlupen-Oszillation....ein Tag-Traum aus Klang !

“The textural ambient project Aglaia have finally released their second album. After a very good feedback from the first CD "Three Organic Experiences", "Sacred Waters" is the new offertoires to introduce more and more in the amniotic sound dimension, of their music. The layers's quality become more deep here.. in breathing circles where processed voices and acoustic instruments, appear to be evocative and fragmented like in a dream, or just like what an echo can play with sounds in an open landscape, coming from far distances with the wind. The electronics/analog sounds are waves of flowing energy with a powerful relaxing quality, and behind them you can hear sometimes an indian flavour like an incense stick burning. By the way it's not possible at all to explain and describe the originality of this music, his poetry and his psychoacoustic properties, but if you start to listen, it invites you to stay inside yourself, in the motionless, and timeless space that induce, bathing in the Sacred Waters of the infinite ocean of peace and inspiration. Cover paints by Alessandro Savelli, graphics by Hic Sunt Leones.” [label description]