Drone Records
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WISHART, TREVOR - Encounters in the Republic of Heaven

Format: BOOK + CD
Label & Cat.Number: Trevor Wishart (self released)
Release Year: 2011
Note: "... all the colours of speech"... new amazing work completed Sept. 2011, an exploration of the music inherent in everyday speech, collected from all kinds of oral sound sources (fishermen, farmers, city-dwellers, etc.), highly processed vocal material between musique concrete & experimental earplay; comes with lovely 64p book
Price (incl. 19% VAT): €24.00

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"The latest large scale work from Trevor is an amazing piece, made entirely from speech recordings from north-east England.This is a real tour de force,with the speech sometimes recognizable(& often very funny)but also transformed & processed in incredible ways to produce some fantastic soundscapes. The disc comes in a 64 page book about the origins, history and technical aspects of the project." [ICR]