Drone Records
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Format: CD
Label & Cat.Number: and/OAR and/31
Release Year: 2008
Note: one-tracker with an ultra-minimal & meditative drone, using soft concrete sounds, hissing & deep waving pulses. Excellent stuff !
Price (incl. 19% VAT): €12.00

More Info

Extremst minimaler, rauschiger Drone-Ambient, so subtil und subliminal dass eine "neue" Empfindungsfähigkeit gefördert wird.. die spezielle Atmosphäre, die hier übermittelt wird, ist mit Worten einfach nicht beschreibbar...

"Aus Feldaufnahmen, die Kahn am Zürichsee und in den Schweizer Alpen machte, und Asher seinerseits vor Ort in Somerville, MA, und in den nicht so vornehmen Ecken des Bostoner Stadtteils Back Bay, entstand eine imaginäre Szenerie, die hauptsächlich aus Regen zu
bestehen scheint. Oder ist das Wind, der in Baumkronen rauscht? Oder doch nur Industriegeräusche von Motoren, Generatoren, Lüftungsanlagen? Oder beides? Es wummert, knirscht, brodelt und zischt so ununterscheidbar, dass man am Ende nicht mehr ausschließen kann, dass einem die Phantasie vielleicht durchgehend nur Streiche spielte. Der Drang, Geräusche als Dinge zu identifizieren und so gut es geht ein Was und ein Wo festzustellen, der ist doch sehr stark. Kahn fügt dem Rauschen, das nach einer halben Stunde in den Hintergrund rückt, während im Vordergrund ein dunkles Wummern Raum greift, ein flirrendes Cymbaltickling hinzu. Das siffende Rieseln und Zischeln bleibt aber, wenn auch etwas gedämpfter, so als ob der ständige Regen etwas nachlassen würde oder man selbst sich weiter in den Maschinenraum zurück gezogen hätte, wo das Brummen mollige Wärme auszustrahlen scheint. Ob diese Illusion aus Klang jetzt als ‚offener Kamin‘ taugt, der Gemütlichkeit verbreitet, oder als Regenvorhang, to read Krimis Noir by, das muss jeder selbst ausprobieren." [Bad Alchemy]

"The work on Vista began in the summer of 2006 with recordings made by Asher in the Back Bay neighborhood of Boston. Walking through the
alleys and side streets he recorded the various mechanical rooms, generators, ventilation systems and idling motors which were to be found
there. These recordings were processed and sent to Kahn.
Later that fall, Kahn sent Asher several pre-dawn recordings he had made on the shores of Zürich Lake. Asher processed these in keeping
with the methods he had used with his own location recordings so as to create continuity among the amassing material. Unprocessed wind
recordings made by Kahn in the Swiss Alps in the summer of 2007 comprised the final batch of material used on Vista. Asher and Kahn
spent the remainder of that year working on a final mix. Addressing the idea of hearing and seeing out and beyond spatial planes, title Vista references both the aural expanses of Asher's home on a hill in the town of Somerville and Kahn's trips to the Alps and Zürich Lake.
In processing and mixing the discrete details of a landscape, we hear them from a real physical distance. Through the incidental
combinations of processed local sounds and sound materials which are entirely foreign to us, an imaginative aural view is created which
obscures any relationship to a documentary account of the original locations recorded for Vista.
Jason Kahn is a sound and visual artist based in Zürich. His work includes sound installation, performance and composition. He was born in New York, grew up in Los Angeles and relocated to Europe in 1990.
Kahn has given concerts and exhibited his sound installations throughout Europe, North and South and America, Japan, Mexico, Korea, Israel, Turkey, Russia, Lebanon, Egypt, Hong Kong, New Zealand and Australia. Kahn's work has been published by many other labels such
as his own imprint Cut , For4Ears, Sirr, Crouton, Korm Plastics, Creative Sources, Longbox Recordings, 1.8 sec records, Chloë and ATAK among others.
Asher (Thal-Nir) is still a relatively new sound artist living and working in Somerville, Massachusetts who has already garnered quite a bit of acclaim in just a few short years for his work using old cassette tapes and field recordings. He also uses processed acoustic and electronic instruments. His work has been published online by 12k / term, Con-v,
Laboratoire Moderne (EARlabs), and Homophoni, and on CDR and DVDR by Con-v, Leerraum, Conv, Winds Measure Recordings, Mystery Sea, The Land Of, among others.
DISCLAIMER: For full effect, turn up the volume and do nothing else but listen. You may very well find that this is ALL you will be able to do anyway... Despite the cover images on the packaging, driving while under the influence of this CD should be done with caution. This CD may induce a "thousand-yard stare" (a long, unfocused gaze), instances of "missing time", or audio hallucinations that could cause disorientation in the listener. Bottom line: friends don't let friends drive under the influence of Vista. This CD is for recreational use only. ENJOY." [label info]
